{{lKey=='CH' ? '人生理念' : 'Life Philosophy'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '做人即做事,做人即人生' : 'To do things is to be a person, and to be a person is life'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? ('Eight ideas').toUpperCase() : ''}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? ('Office environment').toUpperCase() : ''}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? ('Eight ideas').toUpperCase() : ''}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '做人即做事,做人即人生' : 'To do things is to be a person, and to be a person is life'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '凡成大事者,不学习者不成' : 'For those who wants to be build a business, study is a must'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '真诚待人,换位思考' : 'Be honest to other, be empathy'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '会做小弟的人,才会做老大' : 'Bosses are those who can be good little brothers'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '领导者领导自己,领导目标, 领导梦想,领导未来' : 'Leaders lead themselves, lead goals, lead dreams, lead the future'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '销售打天下,运营定江山, 科技决定未来' : 'Sales dominate the world, operations determine the country, and technology determines the future'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '三流人擅长跟自己喜欢的人打交道, 二流人擅长跟自己不喜欢的人打交道, 一流人擅长跟任何人打交道' : "Third-rate people are good at dealing with people they like, second-rate people are good at dealing with people they don't like, first-rate people are good at dealing with anyone"}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? '七分合理,八分也行,只拿六分' : 'Seven points are reasonable, eight points are fine, only take six points'}}
{{lKey=='CH' ? ('Office environment').toUpperCase() : ''}}